Театральная компания ЗМ


‘Teatr. Na Vynos’ Theatre, St. Petersburg
Presented in the frame of Russian Case 2019
Director: Maxim Karnaukhov
Age category 18+
“Teatr. Na Vynos” (Theatre To Go) is a new independent St. Petersburg company uniting two “slobs,” Alexey Yershov and Maxim Karnaukhov and others who agree to participate from time to time in their undertakings. They themselves describe what they do as street-art theatre. “Poe.Tri” is their first work which instantly made its way into the Golden Mask shortlist. The show is constructed in the following way: in any city where it is performed, the authors find someone who considers himself to be a poet, make a route out of his favourite places in the city and fill these places with quotations from his poetry. Phrases, lines and separate letters appear on the pavement, on trees, on leaflets scattered in the air. The spectators might meet the poet himself on the route, or might not. It is at the same time a chance to look at the city through the eyes of a poet and an immersion into his inner world. Like poet, like show.

Alexey Kiselyov

Дорогие зрители спектакля «Poe.Tri.»! Маршрут прогулок, как и сопровождающие их поэты, будут отличаться в зависимости от даты показа. Спектакль «Poe.Tri.» представляет собой длительную прогулку по городу. Очень просим вас быть готовыми к переменчивой московской погоде и иметь удобную обувь и подходящую одежду. А может быть даже термос и зонт. Место завершения спектакля остается тайной до конца маршрута.

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