Театральная компания ЗМ
Egor Matveev, Katrin Reshetnikova, Alisa Bulatova

Invisible Moscow

Invisible Moscow Сompany
Presented in the frame of Russian Case 2020 (off programme)
immersive performance-tour

Director: Egor Matveev
Have you ever wondered, how you would see the world, if you belonged to a different culture? What peculiar similarities and unexpected differences would you discover?
In this case, does the enigmatic 'Russian soul' really exist? To discover these answers, we invite you to follow Sasha — a Russian girl and a main character of
Invisible Moscow. Let her voice narrate a simple walk and for a short while make your eyes her eyes and make her stories into your memories.
Invisible Moscow is a performative journey for 25 people. It is a site-specific walk for those who find themselves confined inside of a tour bus. It lifts the curtain on
the actually important and thus hidden landmarks in only 100 minutes. It is an experience to impress the first-timers and to surprise the frequent guests

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